Construction Management is a
professional service that applies
effective management techniques to the
planning, design, and construction of a
project from inception to completion for
the purpose of controlling time, cost
and quality.
Construction Management is a discipline
and management system specifically
created to promote the successful
execution of capital projects for
owners. These projects can be highly
complex. Few owners maintain the staff
resources necessary to pay close,
continuing attention to every
detail, yet these details can "make or
break" a project.
A professional Construction Manager can
augment the owner's staff with
pre-planning, design, construction,
engineering and management expertise
that will assure the best
possible project outcome no matter what
type of project delivery method is used.
"Agency" Construction Management is a fee-based service in which the
construction manager is responsible
exclusively to the owner and acts in the
owner's interests at every stage of the
project. The construction manager offers
advice, uncolored by any conflicting
interest, on such crucial matters as:
Optimum use of available funds
Control of the scope of the work
Project scheduling
Optimum use of design and construction
firms' skills and talents
Avoidance of delays, changes and
Enhancing project design and
construction quality
Optimum flexibility in contracting and
Comprehensive management of every stage
of the project, beginning with the
original concept and project definition,
yields the greatest possible benefit to
owners from Construction Management. (Construction
Management Association of America)

Boyd Construction's Agency
Construction Management Services
but is not limited to, the
We consult with you,
the Owner, to identify space needs and
project specific requirements.
We recognize that every project is
different. Time and effort is
required to pinpoint those differences.
It is this type of attention to detail
that sets us apart from others.
We conduct site visits with the
design teams for a thorough
investigation of existing conditions.
We perform research on proposed
sites to determine building standards
(to convey to the design team for the
bid documents), rules and regulations
and other pertinent information that may
have an impact on the construction
We coordinate with the design team to
develop bid documents for each project,
all to be approved by the Owner. Each set of bid documents includes
details to meet the needs of the
contractor for the bid process, as well
as the construction. We assist in
reducing change orders.
We obtain competitive bids from
qualified contractors, scope-out their
bids, and jointly, with the Owners, select
a successful contractor. We also provide bid analysis
Value Engineering - (VE)
During the design process, we look for
ways to save the Owner's money.
We can often reduce the projected cost
of a project while being sensitive to
the requirements and preferences of
corporate and local management.
Coordinate project start up.
Often times Owners are inundated with
questions at the initial start up.
We assist in assuring a successful start
up of the project as well as answer all
Continuous coordination for the
duration of the project.
We work with the general contractor
throughout the projects in order to provide the best
results for the Owners.
Project Closeout.
We assist the general contractor in a
proper closeout. This includes
assuring that the punch list is complete
and all required closeout
documentation is provided. |